Thursday, April 30, 2009

Garage Sale Season has begun!

Yep. It's here. The local craigslist is littered with garage sale announcements.

Don't get me wrong. I *love* garage sales! When I was a (verrrry) poor, single mom, garage sales furnished my apartments, clothed my kids and even gave me a ride to work (yes. I bought a car at a garage sale!).

Leith's Montessori school is having a garage sale FUNdraiser on Friday and Saturday this week. It's been a lot of work to get it going. Tonight's the pricing party -- lots of fun, pizza, music, friends, and most importantly first dibs on other people's crap, erm, cool stuff.

I've already claimed a stroller for our SF trip. Planning to make a wrap/cozy/holder for it, so it's easy to sling across my back and whip out when she's ready to ride. Stay tuned for instructions!

Happy Garage Sale-ing!


1 comment:

Crafterella said...

I love yard sales, I also like the city wide clean ups that a lot of the smaller towns around here do, great for getting vintage/interesting furniture to redo!